Frequently Asked Questions

Summary of Common Cloud Server Issues

Updated Time:2024-01-24  Views:20912

Servers support the entire enterprise's information data and play a crucial role in various aspects such as information storage, business operations, and normal functioning. However, during the daily operation of servers, various issues, big and small, often arise due to their complex hardware structure and intricate operating principles, causing challenges for users. Below is a carefully compiled summary of common server issues to assist users in troubleshooting.

1、System Blue Screen, Frequent Crashes, Reboots, Slow Response

The hardware structure and operating systems of servers are similar to our regular computers. Therefore, similar to personal computers, servers can be susceptible to viruses, system vulnerabilities, software conflicts, hardware failures leading to crashes, blue screens, reboots, and sluggish response due to excessive cache information.

2、Remote Desktop Connection Exceeds Maximum Connections

By default, servers allow a maximum of 2 connections. If a user forgets to log out after connecting and simply closes the remote desktop, the server recognizes the session as still active. In such cases, the common solution is to restart the server, but during peak periods, the losses caused by server restarts are evident. In this situation, you can use the "mstsc/console" command to forcefully log in. Open the "Run" dialog, enter "mstsc /v:xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx (server IP) /console," and you can forcefully log in to the remote desktop.

3、Unable to Delete Files ,How to Clean Up

In cases where a file cannot be deleted, it may still be running. You can either restart and then delete it or run CMD, enter "attrib -a -s -h -r" followed by the folder name you want to delete, and finally, enter "del" followed by the folder name you want to delete. Be cautious, as running this command is irreversible.

4、System Port Vulnerabilities

For server stability and security, it's essential to ensure only basic server functionalities, similar to how sound cards are usually disabled. Unnecessary and high-risk ports can be closed. Necessary but risky ports, such as 3389 and 80, can be set to non-default secret ports through registry modifications, eliminating security vulnerabilities.

Common Server Failures and Corresponding Solutions

While servers generally experience few issues, proactive measures are crucial when problems arise. Server failures can lead to the inaccessibility of all websites hosted on the server, causing significant losses for businesses. Below are three common server failure symptoms, their causes, and how to resolve them, using examples of Hong Kong server rental and hosting.

If the server experiences network congestion or slowdown, please first check the usage status of your server.

1、Check if CPU usage exceeds 50%.

2、Verify if memory usage is excessively high.

3、Examine if network usage is unusually high.

If the above situations occur, it indicates that your server or network cannot handle your current services, and upgrading your cloud server is recommended. If none of the mentioned conditions occur, the issues may be caused by the following reasons:

1、 The server is under a CC attack, necessitating contact with support personnel to implement CC protection strategies.

2、 The server is facing a significant traffic attack, but the server is not being pulled by the traffic.

3、 Device network card failure, cable failure, or upper-level switch failure. Before a failure occurs, you can test the adjacent IP addresses to your server. If adjacent IPs also experience packet loss, it indicates a failure in the upper-level switching equipment.

4、Data center network failure, which would be a widespread issue.

In the case of server lag, the typical symptoms include:

1、Severe packet loss, with a normal server having a packet loss rate of 0%. A packet loss rate exceeding 1% may lead to lag.

2、Some users experience lag while others do not, possibly due to hardware firewalls causing partial link congestion.

3、Additionally, the above situations may be caused by internet node failures.

To accurately diagnose the problem when encountering lag, consider the following:

1、Check if your local network is normal. If it's not a local network issue, the problem may be on the server side. Local network testing method: perform a ping test on your server and simultaneously ping test other websites. If your server experiences severe packet loss while other servers do not, the issue is likely with your server.

2、Confirm whether there are users on your server who do not experience lag. In simple terms, determine if all users are affected or only a specific group of users.

For situations where the server cannot connect, potential causes include:

1、Server being pulled by traffic due to a large-scale attack.

2、Server hardware damage causing a crash or shutdown.

3、Incorrect server configuration leading to network interruption or inability to access the operating system.

4、Hacking intrusion, resulting in malicious system damage.

5、Upper-level switch equipment failure.

6、Data center network failure. Testing methods are similar to those for network cards.

In conclusion, server failures are unpredictable emergencies. By taking preventive measures, monitoring, addressing the mentioned issues, and finding appropriate solutions, you can mitigate the losses caused by failures.

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