
Enterprise Mailbox Service Agreement

更新时间:2022-07-15  浏览次数:60387次

Thank you for choosing the Enterprise Mailbox Service provided by Dobebe.

Please read carefully the Enterprise Mailbox Service Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement"). This Agreement is signed by you with Dobebe by checking and confirming online before purchase. If you agree to accept this Agreement and agree to its contents, click Confirm to check this Agreement. If you do not agree to accept this Agreement, please immediately stop the subsequent purchase process, once you follow the prompt to complete the information and check the agreement into the purchase application process, that you have agreed and accepted all the terms of this Agreement.


Unless otherwise specified, "User" and "You" in this Agreement refer to "Paying User" who is already a Dobebe Registered User and who purchases and uses Enterprise Email Services.



1.1 This service is Dobebe to provide users with e-mail storage space, and the use of e-mail system to provide users to send, receive e-mail, e-mail hosting and other related e-mail services. Users shall have the right to administer and use the legal domain name of their e-mail address. The suffix name of an enterprise's e-mail address shall be the legal domain name owned by the user, and the prefix name may be determined by the user.

1.2 After a user successfully purchases the Service and opens the Service, Dobebe shall, based on the number of end users purchased by the user, provide the user with the administrative authority of the enterprise mailbox, webpage management interface application, corresponding storage space and instructions, and ensure the normal operation of the Service.



2.1 You acknowledge and accept that you shall provide clear, complete and valid application materials and necessary information in accordance with the requirements of the purchase page and pay the corresponding fees in a timely manner. Dobebe shall not be responsible for the failure or postponement of the opening of the service due to lack of information. You guarantee that all the information and information submitted is true, accurate, timely and complete. Otherwise, you will be responsible for any liability or compensation arising from direct or indirect disputes. You agree that Dobebe can be confirmed by phone, email, etc. If any of the information you provide to Dobebe changes while using the service,

You shall ensure that you notify Dobebe in writing or by other effective means within three days of the date of the change. You shall be responsible for any liability or loss arising from any failure to submit the above information in a timely and inaccurate manner.

2.2 You are entitled to use the Service as agreed after successful purchase and operation of the Service and shall be fully responsible for all mailboxes, account numbers, contents, activities and events in the mailbox of the Company.

2.3 You understand and agree that you are required to prepare and accept the hardware equipment required by this service and open the Internet connection service on your own, and that the user shall bear the hardware costs and data traffic charges that may arise during the use of this service. Dobebe shall not be responsible for the normal use of this service due to your lack of appropriate hardware or your failure to connect to the Internet successfully.

2.4 You understand and agree that the legal right to use the email address of an enterprise shall, by default, belong to the owner of the Dobebe account that originally purchased the email address of the enterprise. For any dispute or dispute arising from the ownership of the right to use the email address of the enterprise, Dobebe shall have the right to make its own judgment and take appropriate measures.

2.5 You shall ensure that you use the domain name that you legally own and have obtained the consent of Dobebe to use as the domain name for the binding enterprise mailbox service and abide by the following rules:

2.5.1 The User warrants that he legally owns and controls the domain name used as the suffix of the enterprise mailbox, and warrants that he can lawfully hold and manage the domain name in the course of this service. Dobebe shall not assume any responsibility for the failure to use the domain name normally due to the invalidation of your domain name, infringement of the rights and interests of others, violation of policies and regulations or any other third party reasons.

2.5.2 Users shall correctly configure the domain name resolution. If the service cannot be normally used due to such reasons as your failure to correctly configure the domain name resolution, wrong modification of the domain name resolution configuration or failure to timely replace the binding domain name after the original domain name expires/expires, Dobebe shall not bear any liability.

2.5.3 If you commit any improper acts (such as illegally occupying the domain name for which others have the legal right to use it) in the process of binding the domain name of your mailbox, Dobebe has the right to take reasonable measures to make corrections, including but not limited to unbinding the domain name in error.

2.6 You understand and agree that there will be differences in the number of mail box accounts, mail storage quantity, mail storage space, net disk space, total mailbox storage space and other functions of different enterprise mailboxes. You shall purchase and use the same according to the actual situation within the scope of your purchased enterprisemailbox specifications, and if you use the same beyond the upper limit of your purchased specifications, some or all functions of your mailbox may be unable to be used normally, including but not limited to users' inability to receive and send emails normally, data loss, etc., Dobebe will not be responsible for this.

2.7 You shall be responsible for the integrity and confidentiality of the data you store on the server, and the passwords and passwords used to access and manage the server. All losses and consequences arising from the loss or leakage of the above data, passwords and passwords due to improper maintenance or confidentiality shall be borne by you.

2.8 You shall undertake not to:

2.8.1 Distribution of E-mail Advertising, Junk E-mail: Distribution of a large number of unwanted or unsolicited e-mails, e-advertisements or e-mails containing reactionary, pornographic or other harmful information by using an online enterprisemailbox; distribution of Junk E-mail, chain E-mail or any other commercial or non- commercial e-mail by using the enterprisemailbox provided by Dobebe without the prior consent of the recipient.

2.8.2 Using the enterprise mailbox services provided by Dobebe to interfere with or disrupt the network services of Dobebe or the normal use of other users;

2.8.3 Using the resources and services provided by Dobebe to store, publish and transmit the following information or content, or to facilitate the publication of such information (including but not limited to setting URLs, BANNER links, etc.):

A. Political propaganda and/or public information in violation of State regulations;

B. Information involving State secrets and/or security;

C. Instigating criminal information, obscene, pornographic and obscene information, gambling and gambling games;

D. Inducing other users to run the contents of emails containing computer viruses or other destructive programs, or clicking the link page containing computer viruses or other destructive programs;

E. Information that violates national ethnic and religious policies; information that impedes the security of Internet operations;

F. information that infringes upon the legitimate rights and interests of others and/or other information or content that is detrimental to social order, public security or public morality;

G. Other contents in violation of laws, regulations, departmental rules or national policies.

H. Other activities that go beyond the scope of services provided by Dobebe and may adversely affect Dobebe or are prohibited by the State.

Dobebe assumes no liability whatsoever for legal or political liability arising out of your violation of Section 2.8 and for the financial loss caused to Dobebe.



3.1 Dobebe will review the application materials of the users within the agreed time limit and start the service within the agreed time limit after the users pay corresponding fees. Dobebe reserves the right to refuse payment and cancel your order without any liability.

3.2. Dobebe provides you with clear instructions and technical advice in the event of a related service problem or improper operation.

3.2.1 You are entitled to make comments to Dobebe on the quality of service issue, and Dobebe will respond as soon as possible. If the issue can be resolved in a timely manner, Dobebe will promptly assist the user in resolving the issue.

3.2.2 Dobebe will notify the User of any change in the functionality, price, or mode of use of the Service by notice as agreed in this Agreement.

3.3 Dobebe shall be responsible for providing you with enterprise mailbox services and carrying out daily maintenance of the enterprise mailbox. Such daily maintenance does not include data backup, and users shall be responsible for data backup in the enterprise mailbox by themselves, and Dobebe shall not bear any liability in case of data damage or loss.

3.4 Dobebe may from time to time send service notifications, email management, email business activities, etc., users agree to receive such email.

3.5 Dobebe will eliminate failures that the user does not operate artificially, except for causes attributable to the user and/or Force Majeure and events outside the Dobebe control.

3.6 If Dobebe discovers or receives a report or complaint from another party that a User has violated the provisions of this Agreement, Dobebe shall have the right to delete or block the relevant content at any time without notice and, depending on the seriousness of the violation, impose penalties including but not limited to warning, restriction or prohibition of the use of part or all of the functions or services until termination. The fees charged by Dobebe are not refundable;

You understand and agree that Dobebe shall have the right to impose penalties for violations of the relevant laws and regulations or the provisions of this Agreement based on reasonable judgment, take appropriate legal action against any User who violates the laws and regulations, and keep the relevant information to be reported to the relevant authorities pursuant to the laws and regulations, etc, and the User shall bear all legal liability arising therefrom independently; You understand and agree that you shall bear independent liability for any claims, claims or losses arising from or arising from your violation of the provisions of this Agreement or the relevant terms of service; and you shall also make compensation together with Dobebe for losses incurred as a result thereof.

3.7 Any information, technical or technical support, software, services or other intellectual property rights provided by Dobebe to users shall belong to Dobebe or the corresponding rights holders, and you shall not have the right to copy, disseminate, transfer, license or provide use of such resources to others; otherwise, you shall bear the corresponding liability.

3.8 Dobebe guarantees that it will not disclose, edit or disclose to a third party the information or transmission content in the user's enterprise email account, except under the following circumstances:

3.8.1 as required by the laws and regulations of the Republic of Singapore;

3.8.2 In order to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Dobebe and other users of Dobebe;

3.8.3 Maintaining cyber public security in case of emergency;

3.8.4 User agrees that Dobebe publishes, edits or discloses the relevant content to third parties.



4.1 You agree and agree that Dobebe will publicize the relevant charging standards and requirements on the relevant pages of its official website, and has the right to adjust the aforesaid standards and requirements according to the business needs and market changes and other reasons; or formulate different charging standards, preferential and promotion policies for services according to the market conditions at the time and its own business policies and other factors.

4.2 If you have any objection to the charging standards and notification contents provided by Dobebe, you shall inform Dobebe in writing in a timely manner, and stop using all the services provided by Dobebe; otherwise, it shall be deemed that the user has accepted the charging standards provided by Dobebe, and both parties shall pay the relevant fees in accordance with the notification contents such as the charging standards provided by Dobebe. You agree that Dobebe has the right to be exempt from litigation or arbitration in any dispute arising from the adjustment of such matters as charging rates, unless otherwise expressly provided by law.

4.3 If both parties agree to continue the cooperation after the expiration of the service period, you shall pay the renewal fee within one month prior to the expiration of the service period to enable the service to continue. At that time, if Dobebe adjusts the system, name or price of the product, you agree to follow the latest standards.

4.4 Dobebe shall have the right to refuse to provide services and/or technical support to users or to terminate services and/or technical support before users pay the full fee as agreed.

4.5 You agree and agree that all gift-giving services (if any) in the Dobebe Price System are one-time special discounts for Dobebe beyond the normal service price, and that the contents of the discounts do not include the modification, update and maintenance costs of gift-giving services, and the gift-giving services shall not be used to offset the service price.



5.1 The validity period of this service shall commence from the date on which Dobebe receives the payment from the user and opens the enterprise mailbox for the user, and shall be based on the date recorded in the Dobebe system; the specific service period shall be determined in accordance with the product type purchased by the user.

5.2 Under any of the following circumstances, the service period shall be calculated as follows:

5.2.1 Both parties change the agreement through consultation;

5.2.2 If you seriously violate this service agreement, Dobebe shall terminate the service in advance;

5.2.3 Other terms stipulated in the service agreement or stipulated by laws and regulations.



6.1 During the effective period of the Service, if you request to terminate the Service, you shall notify Dobebe one month in advance, but the fees you have paid shall not be refunded. If you terminate the Agreement or the Service without authorization, you shall bear the corresponding liability.

6.2 Dobebe may terminate the Service in advance by giving you advance notice of your fault, violation of the law or the terms of this Online Protocol.

6.3 In the event of a breach of your obligations or of your warranties/undertakings under this Service Agreement, Dobebe reserves the right to close down your enterpriseMail Service and not refund the amounts paid to you, and you shall be liable for any losses arising therefrom.

6.4 If you fail to make payment on time, the Service shall terminate after the expiration of the validity of your previous payment. Dobebe will then close your business email usage account. Dobebe reserves the right to delete all files and user data generated by your use of this service if you do not renew your account within one month from the date of closing.

6.5 If you need other services of Dobebe during or after the service period, both parties may negotiate separately.

6.6 It is normal for Dobebe to interrupt the service for a short time when configuring and maintaining the server, or the enterprisemailbox cannot be used normally for a short time due to the blocking of Internet access. Dobebe is not responsible for this.

6.7 If Dobebe is unable to provide normal services for you due to its own reasons, Dobebe will compensate you for the same number of days of use in days. If Dobebe is unable to provide normal service for seven consecutive days, you can request a termination of service and a refund for the period of unavailability. Except for causes not under Dobebe control. (including but not limited to: Y2K issues, hacking issues, technological adjustments in the telecommunications sector and government regulation, etc.)

6.8 If this Agreement is terminated under any of the following circumstances, either party shall notify the other party in writing 10 working days in advance:

A. This Agreement is terminated by mutual agreement.

B. The term of this Agreement has expired and has not been renewed by both parties.

C. Where one party is disqualified as a subject, if it is revoked or enters into bankruptcy or liquidation procedures, the other party has the right to rescind the agreement, with the exception of restructuring, name change or division or merger with a third party.

D. If one party fails to perform or violates its obligations under this Agreement, and fails to perform or take remedial measures for a certain period of time after the other party has given it, thus making it impossible for the other party to realize the expected benefits under this Agreement or it is unnecessary for the other party to continue to perform this Agreement, the other party shall have the right to terminate this Agreement.

E. If one party resorts to fraud, coercion or violence in the course of concluding or performing the Agreement, the other party may rescind this Agreement and is entitled to claim damages from the other party.

F. Either party may request the termination of this Agreement if it is impossible or unnecessary to continue to perform this Agreement due to force majeure or accident.



7.1 Where the performance of this Service Agreement is impossible, unnecessary or meaningless due to force majeure or other contingencies, the party suffering the force majeure or contingencies shall not be liable.

7.2 Force majeure and accidents refer to unforeseeable, unavoidable and unavoidable objective events that have a significant impact on one party or both parties, including but not limited to natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes, epidemics of epidemics and social events such as wars, disturbances and government actions.

7.3 In view of the particularity of computers and the Internet, Dobebe shall not be liable for any loss caused to you or a third party due to events caused by Y2K problems, hacking problems, technical adjustments of telecommunications departments and government regulation, interruption of Internet connectivity, system failures or other non-Dobebe reasons.



8.1 Neither party shall be liable to the other for any obstruction, obstruction or delay in the performance of its obligations or any loss caused to the other party due to force majeure or unexpected events. However, either party shall have the obligation to notify the other party of the occurrence of the event in a timely manner, and actively take reasonable measures to prevent further losses.

8.2 Dobebe shall not be liable for any loss resulting from Dobebe's prior notification of the necessary maintenance through announcements, emails, phone calls, etc.

8.3 Dobebe assumes no responsibility for any failures, problems arising from your own installation or operation of the software and for any effects arising from your release of the information.

8.4 Dobebe is only liable to you for directly accepting the Services under this Agreement, and Dobebe is not liable to any third party for indirectly accepting the Services through you. In the performance of this Agreement, Dobebe shall not be liable to you or any other party for any loss caused by the fault or delay of a third party.



This Agreement shall be governed by and construed and enforced in accordance with the laws applicable in Singapore, whether conflict of laws or otherwise, and any action relating to this Agreement shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Singapore


10.1 Neither Party shall be deemed to have waived any right, power or priority under this Agreement if it fails to exercise, or fails to exercise in good time, any right, power or priority under this Agreement, and the exercise of any right, power or priority, whether alone or in part, shall not preclude the subsequent exercise thereof.

10.2 If any provision or part of any provision of this Agreement is found unlawful, invalid or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining provisions or parts thereof shall remain valid and enforceable to the maximum extent permitted by law.

10.3 Documents such as notices, requirements, rules and policies arising under this Agreement will be published on the Dobebe website and deemed to be known to you within fifteen (15) days of their publication. Notification letters or notices of non-compliance may be sent to your account or contact email address by mail or email.

10.4 The headings in this Agreement are for reference only and shall not affect the meaning or interpretation of any part of this Agreement.

10.5 Dobebe's service description, price description, application form and Dobebe user service agreement on relevant pages are an integral part of this Agreement and have the same legal force as this Agreement.

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